Terms & Conditions

The Agreement

By using our service, you must read and agree to the following terms and conditions.

This agreement the terms that have been released or will be released. All the rules are inseperable from this agreement. This website may change the terms at any time.

If changes are made to this agreement, it will be published publicly on our website. You will not be notified individually. If you do not agree with the changes made to this agreement, you must cease using this “services”. The revised terms automaticly take effect immediately once they have been published. If you continue to use the “services”, you do so under the acceptance of the revised terms. When disputes are raised, they will be resolved as per the latest terms and conditions, unless explicitly stated otherwise , and “services” or enhancements to expand the scope of the new content is governed by this agreement.

Entity requirements

This “service” is intended to be used by natural persons, legal persons or other organisations who obey under applicable law in our legal jurisdiction. Therefore, in order to use the “service”, your age must be equal to or greater than the legal adult age. Do not use the “service” if you do not comply with this condition. The “service” is not available to members who have been temperately or permanently suspend from this website.

Charges/ Fees

This website reserve the right to charge the “service” fee after you have been issued notification. You are responsible for all the expenses occurred by trading, receiving paid service from this website or by using the website's sever, as well as the expenses related to hardware, software, network service and other type of expense. This website reserves the right to temperately or permanently change or terminate any parts or all ”service” rights.

Terms of use

This website can only be used as a platform for publishing information or trading facilities.

Information on this website is published by the users and may contain risks and flaws. This website can be used by users to look for trading partners to conduct consultations trading services, and access a range of information that is realted to trading services. This site can not control the quality, safety and legality of the good that involved in the transaction, and the truthfulness and accuracy of the product information, or the ability to full fill obligations under the trade agreement. This site does not control parties that trade under the agreement obligations.

You should pay special attention to the risk of trading with foreign nationals, under age persons or people acting fraudulently. You are responsible for dertermining the authenticity, legality and validity of the relevant articles and information, and are liable for the loss of your own produce.

Information Provisionment

Your information and items for trading information and merchandise

your personal identification include all information on your user account, transaction or listing items in any e-mail form or in any public forum that are provided to our website. This includes; data, text, software, music, photos, images, words or other materials. You are fully responsible for the information you provide us with. This site can only be used as a platform to publish your information. If this site has reason to believe that your information may put the “service” at legal risk, or lost internet services or hosting service, or your account has been inactive within the specified time, then this site has the right to take necessary actions on your account, including but not limited to deleting the information. You must ensure you have the right and copyright of the information to use on this site, this site is not responsiable for confirming the authentisity, accurasy, or your rights to use the information you submit. If other users use your information, we are not responsible for it.

  1. Registration Obligations

    If you are registering on this site, you must follow the “service” requirements and provide accurate and complete information that reflects the current situation of your company. You are responsiable for updating and maintaining your membership information. If you provide any untrue, inaccurate, incomplete information or information doest not reflect the current situation, this site has reasonable grounds to suspend or terminate your registration and information and refuse you to use this service in any form from now or in the future.

    If you registering on this site as a company or legal entity, you must have the legal authority to represent the company and ensure the company is bound by the terms and condition of this agreement.

  2. Member Id, password, and Privacy provisions

    When you complete the registration and read and agreed to this agreement, you become a member of this site.

    This website verify your identity according to the account details you provide. You will be provided with a membership ID and password. You must keep your membership ID and password secure. You are responsible for any action, includeing but not limited to; publishing information, clicking agree button on the site, submitting any terms, signing contract online, or purchasing services, that may occure under your membership ID and password. If you become aware of any unauthorised use of your member ID and password, or any breach of security occures, you must notify us immediately. You must log out your account correctly each time you finish using this site. This site is not responsible for any loss or damage occurred by failure to adhere to this rule. You agree that this site needs a reasonable time to act on you request. This site is not responsible for any consequences that occurre before this site takes actions.

  3. Your information requirement.

    1. It can not be fraudulent, stolen or counterfeit items.

    2. can not infringe any property rights, or any rights of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property or privacy and defamation of the third party.

    3. Can not violate any law, ordinance or regulation (including, but not limited to laws, ordinance or regulation of export management, trade quotas, consumer protection, unfair competition and false advertising)

    4. Can not contain defamation (including commercial defamation), discrimination, intimidation or harassing contents.

    5. Can not contain obscene or any child pornography.

    6. Can not contain virus or software that deliberate destruction, malicious interference, secretly intercept or misappropriate any system, data or personal information, the camouflage destruction program, computer worms,Trojan, or any other computer software.

    7. Can not directly or indirectly connect to products or service that are prohibited by this agreement.

    8. Can not use service to make false email addresses or other form of identity to attempt to send information to mislead others.

  4. Prohibited items

    1. You are not allowed to publish or sell prohibited items through this website. Any items that may violate any relevant laws, regulations, ordinances, or items that may get banned from this website are not suitable for sale are prohibited from this website.

      You fully understand and agree that you can not withdraw an affiliate grant and following rights alone.

    2. For the information you provide, you grant this site and its affiliates exclusive, universal, perpetual, royalty-free license the right to use, and the right at multiple levels of the right to sub license. This site and its affiliates have the right (in whole or in part) to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, perform and display your information or create derivative works, to include your information in any media or technology form that developed present or in the future.

    3. information missing

    4. If you violate your commitment to this site, its partners or affilates, we have the right to restrict your account according to the terms in the agreement, including but not limited to, suspend or terminate to provide services to you and publish information on your agreement violation. You understand and agree that this site is not required to confirm with you or get your permission to make this decision and take action, this site is not liable for any adverse effects resulting from restricting your account or publishing your violation action.


Despite the right from Rule 6 regards the right to use your information, protecting your privacy is a fundamental principle of this site, we will use your “your information” according to the site's privacy statement. All terms of this privacy statement is part of this agreement, therefore, you must read carefully. Note that once your voluntarily disclose the transaction location on this site, “ your” information can be used or accessed by other people.

Information dissemination and trading procedures.

  1. Product information entry requirement: Production description is the text, drawing or photography that you provided to this site, as well as the description of the products that you own and are willing to sell or something that you are looking for buying. You can publish any products listing in multi-categories, but the category must be suitable for the products. This website is not responsible for accuracy of product information published by our users.

  2. Consultation on the transaction. 

    Users can consult each other about the transaction through negotiating on the website. If all parties accepted the quotes, as a member of this website, you are obligated to complete the trade, except in special circumstances, such as when the users have made substantive changes to the product description or clarify any text input error, or you failed to confirm the identity of the users involved in the transaction. Otherwise, the offer and commitment buy shall not be withdraw.

  3. Transaction controversy resolution.

    1. This site is not involved in the legal relationship between users, and legal disputes arising due to the transaction, this site will not and can not be implicated in the transaction among the users. If you raise a dispute with one or more than on users or with any third party service that are from this website' service providers, this site is not responsible for any loss or damages (actual or consequential) occurred.

    2. This site has the right to mediate conflict between users and also can make decisions independently on the complaints received. If we believe the agreement is valid in accordance with our terms and conditions then you should use you own funds to pay, otherwise, this site has the right to use your security deposit to pay (if any) or deduct the appropriate amount from the fees you paid to this website and its affiliates' services, or the balance left under your account. This website does not have responsibility to use its own funds to pay for the reparation, but if this website carried out the payment, you should be full compensation for the loss of this website. Otherwise, this website has the right to offset the corresponding equity capital through the aforementioned way, if you still can not make up the loss to this website, then this website reserves the right to continue to follow the dispute for you to make the reparation. Because this website is a non-judical institution, you fully understand and acknowledged that this site has limited ability to identify the evidence on the ability to identify and dispute processing power, accepting trade disputes is entirely based on your request, the dispute does not guarantee results in line with your expectations, nor do we assume any liability on the dispute results. This website is entitled to decide whether to participate in mediating the disputes.

    3. This website has the right to try to understand the situation and contact each other via email or other contact information regards to this situation. You have an obligation to corporate with this site, otherwise this site has the right to make decision that is unfavourable to you.

    4. Upon commencement of legal action to confirm the existence of illegal users or violation of this agreement, this site has the right to publish and punish the offending user, including, but not limited to restrict account or terminate the services.

  4. Terms' common-sense

    This website can not control the data provided by users. Some user's information can be inaccurate, or in some cases, may use fault or fraudulent information in the title. Therefore, when you use this site, please be careful and use common sense.

Trading systems

? 1. Do not manipulating the transaction.

You can not help partners to achieve their deceive purpose, (third party or or employee of the customers) to manipulate the results of the other parties to the transaction carried out by commercial negotiations.

2. System completion

You may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of this site or any transaction being conducted on this site. You may not take action on any unreasonable or disproportionately large load imposed on the network structure of this website. You may not disclose your password to any third parties, or sharing your password with any third parties or using your password for any unauthorised purpose.

3. Feedbacks

You may not take any action that might damage the integrity of the feedback system, such as the use of a second member identity or a third party for your own account's positive feedbacks, nor use a second member's identity or third party to leave negative feedbacks on other user's account (Feedback bombing) ; or when certain actions outside the scope of the user fails to fulfil l the transaction and leaving negative feedback( feedback malicious imposed)

4. Do not make commercial use.

You can not make commercial use of any information, including but not limited to this website without authorisation from senior management without prior written approval , and copy any information displayed on this website for commercial purposes.

Ten, Terminate or restrict accessed

In the case this site has not charge you, the site may at its sole discretion for any reason (Including but not limited to this site think you have violated the literal meaning and spirit of the agreement, or if you have actions that against the terms and condition of this agreement, or you did not login to this website with your user ID and password) to terminate your “ service” password, account or your use of the services, or remove and discard “ your information” submitted by you through using this “ service”. You agree that,if this website charge you, this website can reasonable suspicious you and give you the notice through email and terminate your use of the “services”. This website also may at its sole diecretion, in the case of notice or without notice, at any time to stop provide “ service” or any part of it. Terminate your use of the “service” under any provision of this agreement may measure witout prior notice in the case of implementation , and acknowledged and agree that this site can instantly make your account invalid, or cancel your account and all related information and files and prohibit you from further access to such files or the “service”. After the account is terminated, this site is no obligation to retain the original account number or any related information for you, or forward any unread information to you or third party. In addition, you agree that the site is not responsible for you or the third party because this site terminate your access to the “service”. Rule No. 12,13,14 and 22 continue to be valid after the termination of this agreement.

Eleven: The consequences of violation

Without limiting other remedies under the premise, the occurrence of any of the following circumstances, this website may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend ,permanently suspend or terminate your membership,delete any of your existing product information, as well as any other information show on the website.

a)You violate this agreement

b)This site can not verify or identify any information you provide to this site.

c)This site believe your action may cause legal responsibility to yourself, members on this website, third party service provider through this website. Without limiting any other remedies under the premise that if you are found to engage in fraudulent activities related to this website, this website will suspend or terminate your account. With more serious situation, it will be reported to the Australian national institution.

Twelve Serving provided as present conditions

This site will make every effort to make you have fun in the process of using this site. However, this site can not always foresee any technical problems or other difficulties. These difficulties may result in data loss or other service interruptions. To do this, you clearly understand and agree that the risk of using “ service” is at your own risk. Services can be provided base on “present condition” or “availability”. This website disclaims all kind of expose or hidden promises, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, special purpose and non infringement behaviour. This site does not guarantee the following :

a) “service” will meet your requirement;

b)“service” will not be interrupted and it is safe and without any errors.

c) by using the “service”, the information on the site are all accurate and trustworthy

d)The quality of any products,services information or other materials that you brought through the “service” meet your expectations. By using the “ service” , any download or materials that received in other ways is carried out by your own discretion, and the risk related to the data shall be borne by you. You will bear the responsible if any materials that caused any damage on your computer system or loss of any data. If you received any oral or written advice or information from using “service through this site, there will be no guarantee for the agreement that are not listed in this agreement.

Thirteen, Responsibility range.

This site is not liable for any damages occurred in the following circumstances, including but not limited to compensation of any loss of profits, goodwill, uses, data or other intangible damages. (regardless of whether or not his site have been informed of the possibility of damages)

a)use or inability to use the “service”

b)The cost in result of the adoption or purchase any goods, samples, data, information or services from the service, or the cost occurred by use through or from the “service”

c) receive or change your information or data without your permission

d)the service announcement or action relate to service from the third party.

e)Any thing that relate to the services happened because of some reasons , including negligence.

Fourteen, Compensation

If you violate this agreement or terms that has been added to this agreement, or because your violation of the law or infringes on the rights of the third parties in result of third party make a claim on compensation to this website and its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers or agents (Including the cost of judicial fees and professionals), you must pay compensation to the site and its subsidiaries, affiliates, directors , officers, agents to make up the loses.

Fifteen, obey the law

You should comply with your use of “service”, as well as with your bidding, buying and selling any goods and to provide business information to all relevant laws, regulations and rules.

Sixteen, Advertising an financial services.

The trading between you and the advertiser, such as contacting or trading between each other through promotional activities, making payment, deliver the products or services, any terms conditions' warranties or publication of the trading is only limited to happen between you and that advertiser. You agree that , for any loss or damage from any trading between you and the advertiser, this site do not take any responsibility for the loss of damage. If you planning to use “ service” to create or participate in any company, stock quotes, investments or service related securities, or receive or request any news and information relating to any company through this website, this site is nmot responsible for the information that you received on this site and will not be responsible or take liability for on any investment decision or trading that are based on the information.

Seventeen, Links

“service” or a third party can provide links from other websites or resources. Because this site does not control the resources from these website, you acknowledge and agree that this site is not responsible for the availability of the substandard sites or resources, and does not support to take the contents, promotions, products, service or other materials from these site, and this site does not take any responsibility on these. You further acknowledged and agree that this site is not responsible for any loss or damage from you use or takes the contents, promotions, products, services or other materials from these site.

Eighteen: No agency relationship

You only have independent contractor relationship with this website. This agreement has no intention to form or create any agency, partnership, joint venture, emlyee-emploer or franchising.

Nineteen: Notification.

Unless explicitly stated, otherwise any notices should be send by email. This site will use the email address that you provided during the registration on this site, or any other email address specified by you. 24 hours after this site send the email to you, it determined as received by the user, unless the send is informed that the email address is invalid any more. Alternatively, this site can notify you by sending the notice to your account registered postal address with prepaid registered post. In this case, the notice will be assumed as received by the receiver 3 days after the posting date.

Twenty, Transfer

This website can assign this agreement without your consent.

Twenty-one, Force Majeure

This site does not assume any responsibility for you if this site delay or failure to perform because of any reasons beyond the reasonable control, including but not limiting to natural disasters, strikes or disturbances, material shortages or rationing, riots, acts of war, government actions, communication or other facilities failure or serious casualties etc.

Twenty two , Other provisions

This agreement supersedes any written or oral agreement between you and this site that made previously on the same matter. Aspects of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of Australia. If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be withdrawn and the remaining provisions shall be enforces. Headings are only used as the reference that are easily for people to read, does not in any way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of the provision. This site does not take action on particular violation by you or any other persons, does not means that this site do not have the right to withdraw or continue to take similar action in the event of default in the future,

Twenty-three, Litigation. Any dispute arising under this agreement or the service should be proceeding to Melbourne local court. If you are a legal representative or natural person outside Australia, the dispute will be raised by referring to Australia laws